Thursday, August 26, 2010

OB Visit #1,273

I'm skipping over a month's worth of Braxton-Hicks contractions, a wonderful baby shower, a visit to Nashville where I had a fantastic time with some of Wesley's family, and mundane details about late pregnancy and how adorable my nursery is. Oh, and insomnia. Most of you have been able to read about these things on Facebook.

I am here to update you after my latest OB visit. Last week they put me on twice weekly visits to check fetal activity and heart rate (non-stress tests, for those interested), and fetal growth. Baby DB is measuring small so we are under a careful watch to make sure s/he is still growing and doing well. Baby DB IS doing well and all signs so far point to good health, just a tiny baby. As one of my doctor's put it, "I wouldn't wish a big baby on you." Yeah, me either!

We go for another growth ultrasound on Monday where they may or may not decide to induce me. As long as Baby DB is growing, they'll let us keep baking. I have been put on modified bedrest- bedrest where I am not confined to the bed 24/7- and ordered to drink three Boost shakes (like Ensure, but tastier) a day. I don't expect to be told they will induce next week based on the information I have gotten from the two visits so far this week.

Today's visit was positive. Baby has plenty of fluid to swim in and the non-stress test was reactive, meaning normal. I am 2cm dilated and 75% effaced with Baby DB at station 0 (think of it as the starting line of a race). My OB today said that she thinks I will go 39-40 weeks then have a quick labor based on what my body is doing. I was encouraged to hear that labor wouldn't likely be a drawn-out affair. Now if we can just get to that day!

Here is a picture of fetal stations. It's easier to show you where Baby DB is than try to describe it.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Food

Wesley's mom sent my this photo of an article she wrote for the Natchez Garden Club cookbook in 1980 (Wesley's first year). I posted a link to it so you can zoom in and read the article. It would have been too small if I had placed it directly in the blog.

Thanks for sharing, Lucy. What a great piece of family history- and good article too!

Mish Mash

Wesley and I received a gift from his cousin Jessica and her husband Brandt this week. Baby DB is now the proud owner of a hand-crafted tie-dyed onesie, a staple in every kid's wardrobe, I think. Kid also got a very fuzzy teddy bear and some stacking cups. Mom got a book on introducing purees and solids to baby's diet.

The book is written very simply with small words and big pictures. I am guessing they took the sleep deprivation into account when they designed the pages. It makes it seem so easy to puree and freeze your own baby food. The book tells you when to introduce what and how to prepare it in easy steps and large batches. I didn't think I was interested in making my own baby food but now I am curious. It seems easy enough and would definitely be cheaper than buying jars of baby food.

So Moms, did you make your own baby food? How did it go? What were the benefits and drawbacks and would you do it again? Any expert tips on the matter? I think it would be fun to get together with at least one other mom of an infant and prepare batches of freezable baby food together once every two weeks. Everything is easier when it's social, right? Plus, it would provide me with some accountability if I had a mish-mash partner. Thoughts?