Friday, January 16, 2009

Is it real?

I have days where I know I am pregnant. I also have days where I wonder if it is real. Days where I think all of these 'symptoms' could totally be something else.' Today is one of those days. The fact that I can smell the leftovers in the closed fridge from the living room or that I am starving but can't find anything worth eating still leaves me wondering. Forget that I get cravings, have mood swings, have a newly soft belly, get nauseated from time to time, or that I want to sleep ALL day (that one's easy to explain away), I just can't believe it sometimes.

My pregnancy books both tell me that ambiguity is normal. That doesn't mean I like the sensation. In my heart I want to embrace this with every fiber of my being. I guess my mind just needs more time.

I have my first OB appointment on Wednesday (or is it Tuesday... hmm...). I look forward to having absolute proof that this is real, a professional saying "Yes, you are going to be a mother."
Until then I will keep sleeping my days away, trying to take care of the mundane things, and battling with my picky eater.


  1. Clearly this is my most favorite subject to comment on. :) We didn't believe it was real until we saw the little heartbeat flashing on the ultrasound. In fact, we didn't even tell family until then!! We are dorks. :) Every sentence started with "If we're really pregnant..." Talk about denial. ;)

  2. We told the family as soon as we found out; even woke Wesley's dad up from a deep sleep to tell him. We aren't very good secret keepers. I told work pretty early because it's important they know so I don't get patients with cooties that could hurt the baby.

  3. it was the heartbeat and the picture that really made me feel pregnant. before that i just felt plain crazy.
